Welcome to Prophecy Base  
A Historicist View of Prophecy

Links proving out,
the historicist view of prophecy.
How most of Revelation is fulfilled

We are now at the end of Rev 16, awaiting 
Rev 17 & 18 to fulfill in WW3
the US vs Russia and China

 Matthew 24 - Christ's Appearance AD 66
Preterism and Futurism Contradictions  

Link List

PROVEN > 1 day = 1 year in prophecy

Revelation 2/3 - the 7 Churches - coming soon

Revelation 6 Commentary

Revelation 7 Commentary

Revelation 8 Commentary

Revelation 9 Commentary

Revelation 11 Commentary

Revelation 13 Commentary

Revelation 13 Scenario

Revelation 14 Commentary

Revelation 16 Commentary

Revelation 17 Commentary

Revelation 18 Commentary